How long does editing take?

We have two service types: NORMAL and EXPRESS.
A guide to return times is given below:

Words Times
Up to 2,000 72 hours 24 hours
Up to 5,000 7 days 48 hours
Up to 10,000 13 days 4 days
Over 10,000 Ask us

Over 10,000 words?
We specialise in editing documents over 10,000 words such as dissertations and theses. We assess these individually because we can often offer faster return times and discounts. Please contact us or send your document for a quote.

Return in under 24 hours?
This may be possible depending on the document length and our current workload. Price: Normal x 2. 

Important: please allow time for revision
We will always return your document on time, but please remember that it may still contain issues that we need to ask you about (for example, where meaning is not clear). This extra consulting and any subsequent re-editing is free of charge but please allow time for it when deciding your deadline.

  • Except Sundays